Methods of Unified Psychotherapy: Introduction to Integrative Treatment Planning (3 CEs)

Methods of Unified Psychotherapy: Introduction to Integrative Treatment Planning (3 CEs)
Friday, November 3, 2023 at 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM UTC
Jeff Harris, Ph.D.
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Most psychotherapists combine ideas and strategies from different theoretical sources in order to meet the needs of each individual client. However, most therapists do so in an informal or intuitive manner. The purpose of this seminar is to teach a practical method of unified treatment planning that allows psychotherapists and clients to make intentional choices together.

Unified treatment planning includes four distinct steps. The first step involves conducting a multidimensional survey of cognitions, emotions, and behaviors that contribute to distress. This survey includes the exploration of sources of this pattern. The source of a maladaptive patterns may include external influences (like family systems or cultural contexts) or internal influences (like intrapsychic conflicts or biological health). Second, a psychotherapist can work with clients to establish an interactive focus on two or three dimensions of functioning. Third, a multitheoretical conceptualization can be formulated using constructs from theories that correspond to focal dimensions. Fourth, based on this case conceptualization, intervention strategies can be chosen that promote change within the focal dimensions chosen.

The outcome of unified treatment planning is a comprehensive description of a client’s problem as well as a defined place to initiate change. This unified approach to treatment assumes that working interactively with cognition, emotion, and behavior is ideal for most clients. Understanding the contextual influences of current functioning will support the process of multidimensional change. This seminar is the final part of Level One of Training in Unified Psychotherapy (TUP) and will prepare participants to put this integrative model into practice.

While you can certainly take this seminar alone, this webinar is part of a six series on Unified PsychotherapyStrategic Psychotherapeutics is offering a certificate in Unified Psychotherapy for those that attend each of the six webinars.  Optional discussion groups are offered after each webinar to encourage application.  Go to the Strategic Psychotherapeutics website to see the schedule for the discussion groups and more details about how to earn your certificate in Unified Psychotherapy. 

session: 10907