Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Home Study (3 CE's)

Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Home Study (3 CE's)

“The material was clearly presented and case vignettes were plentiful and helpful. I learned about the expanded information on the role the unconscious plays in symptomatology.”-Stephen K., Professional Counselor, Massachusetts

Psychodynamic therapy (PDT) is a widely practiced form of psychotherapy for a variety of different problems and disorders.  Nevertheless, the concepts and techniques used in PDT are often taught in a way that obscures rather than clarifies their nature.  In addition, a gap remains between the theoretical, clinical, and empirical literature of PDT.  This seminar presents a series of evidence-based psychodynamic techniques and processes, grounded in coherent theoretical formulations, systematic research, and applied clinical examples.  You will also learn about meta-analytic research on the overall efficacy and effectiveness of PDT.

session: 8331